Monday, March 1, 2010

10 things to know before you go to the Olympics

1. Everything will cost twice as much as usual.
2. Don’t mess with the fans from the home country.
3. Sleep is not an option.
4. Get your tickets early, and get as many as possible, even if you don’t think you like the sport.
5. Learn to say “Go [insert country name]” in as many languages as possible.
6. Bring plenty of clothes in your country colors.
7. The bigger the cowbell, the better.
8. Talk to the people next you. They may turn out to be a neighbor, or live halfway across the world. Either way, you’ll make a new friend.
9. If you’re going to an outdoor sport, make sure your shoes, hat, and gloves are waterproof.
10. Climb to the top of the bobsleigh run. It’s worth it.

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