Sunday, February 21, 2010

Craziness all around

I can't believe how crazy it is here. Everybody we've talked to has told us that today has been the busiest day by far. Tomorrow is a big day - two hockey games. Although it's not the spotlighted USA vs. Canada game, we'll be seeing two great games and will definitely find a great spot to watch the game.

Tonight we went to a reception at the USA House. We heard three former Olympians speak; John Naber, Donna Weinbrecht, and Jeremy Bloom. Jeremy Bloom? He used to live four doors down from me. "It's a small world," he said, but I'm pretty sure he had no recollection of me. UnderArmour models don't tend to pay attention to me. The second floor of the USA House is a place for athletes to hang out when they're not competing or at the Athlete Village. While we saw former Olympians, there were no current athlete spottings. Maybe later this week. Of course I had to do a little shopping at the USA store before leaving. We were told to be careful if wearing USA apparel around the Canada fans, but we know that won't happen. I didn't bring all my red, white, and blue clothes to Canada for no reason! I'm a Philadelphia fan. We live to antagonize fans of rival teams. Tomorrow should be an exciting day!

1 comment:

  1. Has Canada committed national suicide after last night's loss? Anytime Crosby loses, it's a good time...
    Stupid NBC did not show the game - caught it off spotty internet streams.
    Hope you're having fun...
